Min Than

Min Than

Trader/Operations Specialist

Min became an integral part of the Soltis team in November 2022, assuming the role of Trader/Operations Specialist. Originally from Vietnam, she ventured to the U.S. in 2016 to pursue higher education, demonstrating her dedication to personal and professional growth.

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from Dixie State University, Min brings a solid academic foundation to her role. Prior to joining Soltis, she honed her skills through employment at SkyWest Airlines, gaining valuable experience in a dynamic environment.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Min finds joy in spending quality time with her husband and nurturing connections with her family. Her passion for culinary exploration extends to both cooking and savoring diverse cuisines. An avid traveler, she eagerly explores new destinations, with a particular fondness for experiencing different cultures through food.

During winter, Min and her husband embrace the exhilaration of snowboarding, relishing their shared adventures on the mountain slopes. While dreaming of future travels to Europe, Min acknowledges the unrivaled snowboarding experiences that Utah offers, firmly believing it boasts the greatest snow on Earth.