Tyler Wilkinson

Tyler Wilkinson

Managing Partner, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Officer

Since 2013, Tyler has served as both the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Compliance Officer at Soltis Investment Advisors. In addition to his executive roles, he is an Executive and Lead Advisor, working with individual and institutional clients. Tyler is also a key member of the Investment Committee, specializing in retirement income planning, tax efficiency analysis, and estate planning.

Tyler joined Soltis shortly after its inception as an Investment Analyst. He later became the Operations Manager, overseeing all trading, portfolio reconciliation, and reporting. In 1998, Tyler transitioned to an Advisor role, where he developed and implemented Soltis’ proprietary strategies. By 2003, he became a partner of the firm and was subsequently named Vice President of Wealth Management Services.

Tyler holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Finance from Southern Utah University, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude and received the Outstanding Business Student Award for his top-class GPA.